Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Progress report on Only War V1 ruleset for FG 3.2+
Just wanted to show my layout of the Only Ruleset. Just need to modify the character sheets a bit, but this one is almost done as well.
I think its looking pretty good at this point, I am contemplating removing the gray side bar.. or maybe add a graphic for the bottom shortcut bar.. I am not sure yet.
I expect to have this ready by Thursday.
Monday, February 27, 2017
Deathwatch Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds 3.2+
Very happy to say that the Deathwatch Ruleset is now available. V1.03
Download it here. Deathwatch V1.03 for FG 3.2+ Pak file.
- V1.03 - Corrected Talents glitch, removed limits on amm counters, added TERMI force field effect and corrected CSHIELD effect.
- V1.02 - Corrected duplication bug, when talents (etc) added to talents tab, it was being duplicated on the Gear page
- V1.01 - Corrected character sheets that were reflecting Black Crusade stats, Add basic Cohesion Counter to combat page.
- V1.0 - Initial Release
One thing to be aware of, is that I made the "Talents Page" on the character sheet able to accept Items, so if you want to cut and paste talents/traits from the book, you can create them as an item and then players can drag and drop them onto your character sheets. Makes things much easier to use.
Defending Cover Effects
COVERF: Full cover all hit locations are reported as “covered”
COVERH The Head, Body and Arms report “covered”.
COVERL The Body, and Legs report “covered”.
COVERRS The Body, Left Arm, Legs report “covered”.
COVERLS The Body, Right Arm, Legs report “covered”.
Field Effects
IHALO 50% miss chance on hit is added.
CSHIELD 25% miss chance on hit is added.
SSHIELD 55% miss chance on hit is added.
TERMI 35% miss chance on hit is added. (Used for Terminator Armor)
Effects to be placed on the attacker:
Effects to be placed on defenders
Note: Effects that adjust Rolls
ABIL:# will modify any of the base 9 abilities (Characteristics). To add a +10 write ABIL:10 for a -10,
ABIL:-10. If you write ABIL:10 agility then only agility rolls would be effected. Skills and weapon
attacks will not be affected.
SKILL:# will modify any skill rolls. It will not modify other rolls. Use per above.
Using WS, BS, STR, TN, AG, INT, PER, WP, FEL will adjust any roll using that trait. For instance,
using INT:10 will adjust any trait or skill roll using Intelligence by +10. Using WS:10 will modify any attacks and Parry skill rolls. STRB:# and AMMO:# will effect melee and ranged damages. A nice way to handle bonus damage from talents.
REGEN: 1d10, REGEN:# is supported for regenerating creatures.
DMGO: 1d10, DMGO:# will add a damage effect to a PC or NPC as you cycle the CT and advance to the affected.
These are automatic. The system supports adding damage types. Again “effects” is a robust system and using the 3.5 rules guide will help you along to get the most use from it.
I find it is a huge time saver. For instance the PC’s are battling in an area shrouded in mist, rather than
place the Mist modifier to every roll made, drop the Mist effect on each player and NPC, with duration of 0 (0 means it will not expire until the GM removes it.). Now every roll uses the modifier making it one less step players and the GM must take to throw rolls. It is handy.
Using durations is a handy way to manage the applications and removal of effects. For instance Toxins that damage over time, or characters on fire from flamer attacks. Place a DMGO:1d10 fire on them with the duration set, and done. The toxin could be DMGO:8 toxin (duration 2) and for two rounds 8 damage is applied using the reduction for toughness to the creature it is placed on.
The damage types added are per the DH and source book rules. They follow the rules in regards to
damage reduction for armor/toughness.
When using the weapon list always use a small letter e, i, r, x for Energy, Impact, Rending, and
Explosive. The base types form the DH rules. Other damage types s, f, h, w, t are from source books,
for Sanctified, Force, Holy, Warp, and Toxin.
When using DMGTYPE: descriptor in the effects list on the CT, write out the damage type in lower
case. Example: holy, energy, force, etc.
Black Crusade Ruleset for Fantasy Grounds 3.2+
I am very happy to say that the Black Crusade Ruleset is now available. V1.02
Download it here Black Crusade V1.02 for FG 3.2+ Pak File.
Here are a list of things which I am currently still working on, and on my next update, maybe next month, I will have it fixed.
- V1.02 - Corrected Glitch on Talents Page, Removed Ammo Counter Limits
- V1.01 - Corrected duplication bug, when talents (etc) added to talents tab, it was being duplicated on the Gear page
- V1.0 - New Release
Download it here Black Crusade V1.02 for FG 3.2+ Pak File.
- One thing to be aware of, is that I made the "Talents Page" on the character sheet able to accept Items, so if you want to cut and paste talents/traits from the book, you can create them as an item and then players can drag and drop them onto your character sheets. Makes things much easier to use.
Here are a list of things which I am currently still working on, and on my next update, maybe next month, I will have it fixed.
- Currently the Psy powers page on the character sheets are still using the older rules (Deathwatch and back) So, the current work around is just select the first two check box's from the power levels and roll the dice. Read the results as a percentile and compare it with your score needed. The power level is your will power bonus number. Or you can just ignore this and roll it directly from your will power trait. Below, I set it to 2, and rolled the dice and I am reading it as 33+4 = 37%
- Next is the error you may get is on the Combat page of a character sheet. If you drag a weapon over from your items list into the character sheet, if that items AMMO section left blank, you will get an error when you drop it on the page. This just causes an annoying console error to open up, you can just ignore it every time or actually place the number of shots in the weapon to stop it from happening again. This number can be a 0, but it has to be a number.
Next is all the cool automations you can use during your games. Type all of these in the combat tracker (case sensitive) and you can get all the special effects like forefields, cover, etc. I recommend using copy and pasting these, as they are case sensitive.
Defending Cover Effects
COVERF: Full cover all hit locations are reported as “covered”
COVERH The Head, Body and Arms report “covered”.
COVERL The Body, and Legs report “covered”.
COVERRS The Body, Left Arm, Legs report “covered”.
COVERLS The Body, Right Arm, Legs report “covered”.
Field Effects
REFAC 30% miss chance on hit is added.
CONV 50% miss chance on hit is added.
DISP 55% miss chance on hit is added.
TERMI 35% miss chance on hit is added. (Used for Terminator Armor)
POWER 80% miss chance on hit is added. (Personal and vechile size)
Effects to be placed on the attacker:
Effects to be placed on defenders
Note: Effects that adjust Rolls
ABIL:# will modify any of the base 9 abilities (Characteristics). To add a +10 write ABIL:10 for a -10,
ABIL:-10. If you write ABIL:10 agility then only agility rolls would be effected. Skills and weapon
attacks will not be affected.
SKILL:# will modify any skill rolls. It will not modify other rolls. Use per above.
Using WS, BS, STR, TN, AG, INT, PER, WP, FEL will adjust any roll using that trait. For instance,
using INT:10 will adjust any trait or skill roll using Intelligence by +10. Using WS:10 will modify any attacks and Parry skill rolls. STRB:# and AMMO:# will effect melee and ranged damages. A nice way to handle bonus damage from talents.
REGEN: 1d10, REGEN:# is supported for regenerating creatures.
DMGO: 1d10, DMGO:# will add a damage effect to a PC or NPC as you cycle the CT and advance to the affected.
These are automatic. The system supports adding damage types. Again “effects” is a robust system and using the 3.5 rules guide will help you along to get the most use from it.
I find it is a huge time saver. For instance the PC’s are battling in an area shrouded in mist, rather than
place the Mist modifier to every roll made, drop the Mist effect on each player and NPC, with duration of 0 (0 means it will not expire until the GM removes it.). Now every roll uses the modifier making it one less step players and the GM must take to throw rolls. It is handy.
Using durations is a handy way to manage the applications and removal of effects. For instance Toxins that damage over time, or characters on fire from flamer attacks. Place a DMGO:1d10 fire on them with the duration set, and done. The toxin could be DMGO:8 toxin (duration 2) and for two rounds 8 damage is applied using the reduction for toughness to the creature it is placed on.
The damage types added are per the DH and source book rules. They follow the rules in regards to
damage reduction for armor/toughness.
When using the weapon list always use a small letter e, i, r, x for Energy, Impact, Rending, and
Explosive. The base types form the DH rules. Other damage types s, f, h, w, t are from source books,
for Sanctified, Force, Holy, Warp, and Toxin.
When using DMGTYPE: descriptor in the effects list on the CT, write out the damage type in lower
case. Example: holy, energy, force, etc.
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Two down and one more to go!
Everything is pretty much done!!
Here are the two finished projects. Just need to run it through some fault finding, and then they can be released!
Now its on to "Only War"
Here are the two finished projects. Just need to run it through some fault finding, and then they can be released!
Now its on to "Only War"
Saturday, February 25, 2017
Progress! Black Crusade V5.0 for FG 3.2+ Update
Friday, February 24, 2017
Project Update: DeathWatch Ruleset Update
Just finished getting the Deathwatch ruleset updated to work with Fantasy Grounds 3.2+
Now, I need to work on the remaining graphics.
Now, I need to work on the remaining graphics.
Black Crusade (MoreCore Edition) Extension for Fantasy Grounds.
Here is the MoreCore Version 1.0 of the Black Crusade Extension.
Again, you will need to use the fan based MoreCore Ruleset which you can get from here.
MCV 1.0 Black Crusade Extension is here
MCV 1.0 Black Crusade Character Sheet Template is here.
Let the galaxy burn! ;-)
To stay up to date on any revision, click the follow me button ;-)
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Black Crusade Ruleset and Extension Progress Report
I have some pretty good news for those who like the WH40K Rulesets.
First of all, I am pretty sure I am 99% finished my Black Crusade Theme Extension for the Fan Made MoreCore Ruleset. There is not really much to it, really, but the thing with MoreCore it is very modifiable. You can pretty much make your own Library Modules for any RPG and just cut and paste. I really love it.So, soon, that will be done..
Second, I managed (And Surprisingly So) revive the older Black Crusade Ruleset which I modified from Paul Pratt and Danny Statton's Dark Heresy Rulset to work again with the newer FG 3.2.2+ upgrades. So, what is so great about that.. two things. All the modules I made for it will not have to be remade AGAIN for the 3rd time. And secondly, all the really cool and taylor made automations that Paul and Danny used for Dark Heresy, modified now to work for the Black Crusade Rules.
Give it another few days and I should hope to have at least the MoreCore Extension done. And not long after that, I will have the Black Crusade Ruleset ready. After that, I will work on fixing up my Death Watch and then on to Only War.
Subscribe now to my blog so you can get the latest updates on progress.
First of all, I am pretty sure I am 99% finished my Black Crusade Theme Extension for the Fan Made MoreCore Ruleset. There is not really much to it, really, but the thing with MoreCore it is very modifiable. You can pretty much make your own Library Modules for any RPG and just cut and paste. I really love it.So, soon, that will be done..
Second, I managed (And Surprisingly So) revive the older Black Crusade Ruleset which I modified from Paul Pratt and Danny Statton's Dark Heresy Rulset to work again with the newer FG 3.2.2+ upgrades. So, what is so great about that.. two things. All the modules I made for it will not have to be remade AGAIN for the 3rd time. And secondly, all the really cool and taylor made automations that Paul and Danny used for Dark Heresy, modified now to work for the Black Crusade Rules.
Give it another few days and I should hope to have at least the MoreCore Extension done. And not long after that, I will have the Black Crusade Ruleset ready. After that, I will work on fixing up my Death Watch and then on to Only War.
Subscribe now to my blog so you can get the latest updates on progress.
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Conan 2D20 Extension Version Updated for MoreCore! (Fantasy Grounds)
Hi all,
I just updated the Conan extension with some cosmetics, added a few skulls and stuff to the chat windows and a few others.
Download it here.. V3.4
Also, here is the Doomchart image which I made so you can use this to help track your doom and momentum pool!
Plus, a new character sheet template!
I just updated the Conan extension with some cosmetics, added a few skulls and stuff to the chat windows and a few others.
Download it here.. V3.4
Also, here is the Doomchart image which I made so you can use this to help track your doom and momentum pool!
Plus, a new character sheet template!
![]() |
A few fun decals.. |
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Monday, February 13, 2017
Friday, February 10, 2017
Session 2: City of Dry Bones. Coming Soon
Hi all,
Join us as the group explores a city that has been lost to the winds and sands of time for a millennium in the deserts of Iranistan.
This Saturday at 21:00 EST on my Youtube channel!
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Great Resource: MegaDungeonComic
I found this website this evening and its a great little sight.
Figured I share it.. Some really cool hand drawn maps on it!
Figured I share it.. Some really cool hand drawn maps on it!

Saturday, February 4, 2017
Episode One: City of Dry Bones. Conan 2d20 game play.
Session 1 of my newest sword and sorcery campaign for Conan 2D20 "City of Dry Bones"
This will be broadcasted live every Friday Night.
Feel free to subscribe to my Youtube channel to be able to join us in the world of Hyborea!
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