Friday, February 21, 2020

Alien RPG Ship Builder Spread Sheet


So, I am still in the process of learning to use Excel/Sheets/etc. So this time I figured I work on a Alien RPG Ship Builder Sheet. Helps me keep my mind off real life for awhile.

So, yeah.. again, this is a functional not flashy spreadsheet with the sole purpose of learning how excel works.

I need to figure out, how to count the modules properly. That part is still manual. If it has 2 Class III, 1 Class II and 1 Class V.. Have not figured that out how to calculate that yet.

So, if you load this thing up from the link below, you will need to copy it, or download it to get access to it. But when you do that, start at the top of the sheet, select your class, AI, mods, weapons etc, and when you get to the bottom, you should see the proper stats of the ship, the total cost, the yearly lease fee, and a monthly fee, etc.

I am going to keep trying to fine tune this one.. As I want to learn the more advance formulas. As this here is not efficiently written by any chance.

Alien Ship Builder Spread Sheet

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