Wednesday, May 26, 2021

The JollyGM Basic Dungeon Sets: Now Available on DTRPG


Hi everyone, 

I got some exciting news to share! For many years I have been creating my own maps for my games that I run. The biggest problem for has been that many of the games that I run, are not usually not considered mainstream. 

Most maps that you find online, usually cater to those rpgs. Leaving me having to find something that I can shoe horn into my settings. So I started to try and make my own.

Just recently, I have decided to take the plunge and start sharing the maps I make with the millions of other members of the tabletop RPG community, which I am so proud to be a part of. 

So check out my Drive Through RPG store page here!

Now, I as far from being a professional map maker as one can be, but I make these maps to the standard that I would use at my own tables. Designed to be simple, easy to use, somewhat geomorphic and with the ability to be thrown quickly into your virtual tabletop software of choice. (Fantasy Grounds, Foundry, Astral and Tabletop Simulator) 

So with out further delay, I would love to introduce to you The Jolly GM Basic Zoned Dungeon Tile Set. Seeing I try and play games that use zones more so then grids, I made this tileset for those games specifically. Seeing I play a lot of Conan, having some basic map tiles on hand is a good thing!

With tile set 1, you get 5 standard dungeon tiles. Simple easy designs, and affordable. You can put these maps together to make larger dungeons, or simply use them as individual set pieces. 

Eventually, I am going to be adding to these zone tiles. Lighting and LOS for any of those people who use my maps in Fantasy Grounds and Foundry, hopefully for a buck a map, people will like what they see and get.

I got more battlemaps in the pipeline. Soon my tactical battlemaps will be available!

Here is a small taste of what is to come. The JollyGM Tactical Battlemaps

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