Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Spread The Jolly Word: Bundle of Holding Special

Links: Bundle of Holding
+Bundle of Holding

So, I decided that around the middle of every month I will make a post called Spread The Jolly Word.

This post will be something related to roleplaying that I think is pretty darn cool. It could be a story, item, someones blog, or what ever.

So for my first post, I wanted to talk about "A Bundle of Holding" and the name is aptly suited for the website as you never know what gem is going to show up and at pretty outrages sale prices! And what also makes this worth it, is that they support charities! Thats pretty darn jolly worthy if you ask me!

 2015 was the year I had my first experience with them. They had a MegaTraveller deal. It was just something I could not pass on!! For only 20 bucks I managed to get everything in PDF. I mean everything! And as a complete surprise, a month or two later "B.O.H." sent me official Traveller dice! Which they sent all the way up to me in Canada at their own cost. That's a pretty cool thing to do!

I was a pretty happy camper.

Well, now I'm an even happier camper as they have another fantastic deal! It is ACKS. "Adventurer, Conqueror, King System" Now, ACKs has been something I have been reading about, hearing about and it always peaked my interest for some time. Well, its currently on at BOHs website and you get a Dragon's Treasure Trove of product for less then 22 dollars! Well, yet more items added to my library!

Seeing that I am an advocate for roleplaying games for all ages, races and creeds so if anyone wanted to get a good fun system, well here you go, get it here. I am sure you will get hours of entertainment from the material! Just look at Dwimmermount! Its a FRACKing mega dungeon for Crom's Sake!!

(Yes, I used a BSG and a Conan reference in the same sentence. Its my blog! 😋)

The thing is they always have more stuff showing up! So swing by and check em out! You really can not go wrong by supporting Bundle of Holding! Good sales, good causes and good times!

I hope your day is a Jolly good one! :)

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