Friday, April 30, 2021

Traveling in the world of Hyboria. Suggested Rules for dealing with Travel in 2D20 Conan.


Travel rules in 2D20 Conan RPG are fairly arbitrary in my own opinion and are left to the machinations of the GM.  I am OK with that. But sometimes, I like to have a little randomness to it. I wanted some rules to follow, but I wanted to keep the rules in line with the mechanics of the game and simple to use. I am pretty confident that others may have developed similar ideas to what mine is like. But what ever. So I sat down and decided to see if I could write up something that I could use.

After writing these, I realized that something similar can be used for other situations that are not travel, IE, Investigations, Searching for something, or what ever. So feel free to experiment with this. 

The basic idea, is you roll your skill vs the difficulty of the travel. For each success and momentum you get, you move your travel token from its starting point (0) to its completion point (10) If after any roll that you are not on the completion point (10) you will roll on the encounter table based on the encounter level you had set.