Tuesday, December 29, 2020

31 Days of Christmas Conan Day 29 - Taran

 On the 29th Day of Christmas Conan, from the savage Pictish wilds, strolls Taran - One Who Bites Wolves. 

When his family was brutally killed by blood thirsty Picts, Taran a very young teen, ran into the wilds. Surviving the best that he could. While still being pursued, and huddling in a cold damp burrow, he was beset upon by a large Alpha Wolf. When the creature knocked him down, and was about to tear into his flesh, Taran bit deep into the wolf's neck, tearing out its own throat.  A Pictish Warrior, who was tracking the boy witnessed this event, and believed the boy to be protected by Jhebbal Sag, and allowed the boy to flee deeper into the woods. 1 year later, Taran in ragged furs was found wandering in the borders of his home country, fierce and wild like an animal.

Character Sheet can be found here

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