Saturday, December 5, 2020

31 Days of Christmas Conan: Day 5 Octavian of the Iron Shields

 On the 5th day of Conan Christmas, 'Ole Jolly gave to ye!

Octavian, Captain of the mercenary company, The Iron Shields.

Octavian, the young Gunderland boy, like many other Gunderlands children, grew up in poor. When he entered his early teens, he ran away from his family home after hearing stories of mercenary companies making riches beyond belief.

His first posting, took place in the Siege of Shamar, which was under attack by the forces of an evil sorcerer named Tsotha-lanti. During that battle, Octavian proved his ability to lead the small company after the formal captain was killed. Taking charge, he and the rest of the men were able to hold the breach long enough to allow the Forces of King Conan to arrive and defeat the wizard. As a reward, he was made Captain of The Iron Shields

Character sheet can be found here.

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